Performance duracional
Elastic bands
Camera: Javier Vasquez
Las Condes Cultural Center
Santiago, Chile / July 2023
The Outline project consisted of a collective performance, with around 30 students from the UFT School of Arts, where an interior was distinguished from an exterior of the Las Condes Cultural Center space.
We crawl, we slide. We move slowly and carefully. Relationships change. Everything that surrounds us determines us in an incessant, persistent and uninterrupted continuum.
What do we have left from these experiences? Will it be a possibility of remaining in a specific context and time? A brand that can last a long time or forever? This is how we build ourselves, based on our relationships. In this project I will try to propose how we relate to the here and now so that it can be observed from another place.
The idea is to develop together with the participants a linear structure in space, marking its measurements and dimensions, thus manifesting the ways in which we relate, both hierarchically, and in a single body that is capable of transforming us. and relate through movement and balance. Will balance and measurement be a new way in which part of human relationships will unfold?